+18 Beach Soccer 2023

Three Benefits of Beach Soccer Senda Athletics
Three Benefits of Beach Soccer Senda Athletics from sendaathletics.com

The Thrill of Beach Soccer


Beach soccer is a variation of soccer that is played on a sandy surface, usually on a beach or a sand court. It is a fast-paced, exciting game that has gained popularity all over the world. This type of soccer is played by both men and women and has become a popular sport in many countries. In this article, we will explore the world of beach soccer and its many exciting features.

The History of Beach Soccer

Beach soccer was first played in Brazil in the 1940s and 1950s. It was initially played by young people on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro, who would use makeshift goals and play barefoot. The sport was later formalized and gained popularity in other parts of Brazil, as well as in other countries around the world. Today, beach soccer is recognized as a legitimate sport by FIFA, the international organization that governs soccer.

The Rules of Beach Soccer

The rules of beach soccer are similar to those of traditional soccer, with a few key differences. The game is played with five players on each side, including the goalkeeper. The matches are played in three 12-minute periods, with a 3-minute break between each period. The ball used in beach soccer is also smaller and lighter than the one used in traditional soccer.

The Skills Required for Beach Soccer

Beach soccer requires a unique set of skills that are different from those required for traditional soccer. Players must be able to handle the ball on the sandy surface and make quick, agile movements. They must also be able to shoot accurately, as the smaller goal size requires precision. In addition, players must be physically fit, as the game is fast-paced and requires a lot of running.

The Benefits of Playing Beach Soccer

Playing beach soccer offers many benefits, both physical and mental. It is a great way to improve cardiovascular health and build strength in the legs. It also helps to improve coordination and agility, as well as teamwork and communication skills. Playing beach soccer can also be a great way to relieve stress and improve mental well-being.

The Popularity of Beach Soccer

Beach soccer has gained popularity all over the world, with many countries hosting tournaments and leagues. The sport has also been included in the World Games, a multi-sport event that features non-Olympic sports. Beach soccer has also become a popular spectator sport, with many fans enjoying the exciting, fast-paced action.

The Future of Beach Soccer

The future of beach soccer looks bright, with the sport continuing to gain popularity around the world. Many countries are investing in the sport, building facilities and hosting tournaments. As more people discover the excitement and thrills of beach soccer, it is likely that the sport will continue to grow and evolve.


Q: What is the difference between beach soccer and traditional soccer? A: Beach soccer is played on a sandy surface with smaller goals and a smaller, lighter ball. It also requires a different set of skills, as the sandy surface makes movement more challenging. Q: How many players are on a beach soccer team? A: Beach soccer teams consist of five players, including the goalkeeper. Q: Can beach soccer be played indoors? A: Yes, beach soccer can be played indoors on a specially designed court with a sand-like surface.


Beach soccer is a thrilling, fast-paced sport that offers many benefits for both players and fans. With its unique set of skills and exciting gameplay, it has become a popular sport all over the world. Whether you are a seasoned player or a curious spectator, beach soccer is definitely worth exploring.